Gambling licenses are issued in February: how much the budget gained and how much it may lose

Gambling licenses are issued in February: how much the budget gained and how much it may lose
Aug 21, 2021peter

On July 19, the state budget received UAH 976.2 million in payments for gambling licenses since February - by the end of the year these revenues may decrease due to the adoption of the law № 2713-d parliamentarians.

The corresponding data Economic truth reported the National Commission on Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (KRAIL) in response to the request.

What licenses were issued the most:

By value, more to the budget brought a casino license - 288 million UAH over 6 months, with a small difference received funds from online casinos - 257.4 million UAH.

Another 167 million UAH was received from licenses for gaming machines and 108 million UAH - from betting activities. Licenses for gambling in the slot machines brought in 63 million UAH, gaming tables - 58,1 million UAH, from the services in the field of "gambling" - 19,8 million UAH. The smallest budget received from licenses for online poker - 12 million UAH.

Quantitatively most issued permits for online casinos (11) and services in the field of gambling (10). Least of all - for betting activities (1) and online poker (2).

How much do licenses cost

Licenses to organize and conduct gambling activities are issued for a period of 5 years. Consequently, for the year paid for a fifth of the full cost.

Expensive would have to pay most for betting - 108 million hryvnia per year and casinos - 72 million hryvnia per year.

How the budget can lose

In July the MPs voted for the reduction of taxes for gambling business in the first reading, namely for bookmakers and casinos they want to reduce from 18% to 10% and for the organizers - from 30% to 10%.

In addition, the bill cancels the norm of triple annual license fees for gambling and lotteries, which is in effect until the introduction of the online monitoring system for gambling establishments.

This means that bookmakers will pay annually 36 million UAH instead of 108 million UAH. Those who have already had time to pay 108 million UAH will be credited with the payment in subsequent years.

The norm will also affect the online casinos that are now paying 23,4 million UAH a year - if the law is passed they will pay 7,8 million UAH into the budget. This means that instead of 257,4 million UAH for half a year, the budget could receive three times less - 85,8 million UAH.

Thus the revenues could have been 243.6 million UAH less. At the same time, the budget for 2021 budgeted revenues from all licenses (including investment, for lottery organizers, etc.) at 7.4 billion UAH.

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