The President of Ukraine has legalized gambling business

The President of Ukraine has legalized gambling business
Aug 11, 2020admin

The President signed the law on gambling business, despite the legal conflict with the regulatory authority.

President Vladimir Zelensky signed a law on gambling business regulation. This was reported on the website of Parliament on Tuesday, August 11.

Zelensky has legalized the gambling business.

The President signed the law on gambling business, despite the legal conflict with the regulatory authority.
President Vladimir Zelensky signed a law on gambling business regulation. This was reported on the website of Parliament on Tuesday, August 11.

At the same time, it was expected that the president would veto the bill for its revision due to the conflict with the amendments. 

There are two mutually exclusive bodies in the law, which should control the gambling business.

One norm says that there is a special commission that regulates the gambling business. At the same time, there is another amendment, according to which the control body is determined by the Cabinet.

It was also reported that the Rada "by mistake" expanded the opportunities for casino activities. The final text of the bill says about the permission to place gambling establishments also in 4-star hotels, although the initial document referred only to 5-star hotels.

Rada adopted the law on July 14. Among the main points of the law - the introduction of criminal liability for the organization of gambling without a license, permission to have gaming rooms with slot machines only in hotels that have three, four or five stars, regulation of "classic" lotteries and age restrictions (people over 21 can play gambling). There are restrictions on advertising gambling establishments, in particular it is prohibited to advertise gambling as a way to easily enrich.